Saturday, June 25, 2011

Red Hat

Ok so I haven't posted in while I actually have been busy working my job. They have put us on mandatory overtime, YUCK. However I have time off today so I am going to ramble a bit on my blog. We had Summer Solstice happen this week I did take a little time off and celebrate the day. A little moment of reflecting back Summer Solstice we all use to gather together in New Harmony and then later in Evansville for a Pipe ceremony, Jim would lead the ceremony.  I sometimes miss that gathering and how everyone got along. But life moves on and things change.
Did you ever smoke or were addicted to something? You try to quit over and over again. I know that when I smoked I believe I quit several times. Well this is what it has been like for me and working. Several times I have decided to stop working and become retired. I would say I am now retired then one of the temp agency would call and I would take the assignment and then I was back going to work each day. When Bill took this job I thought this might be the time when I could do it. BUT I was still dependent on that extra money coming in even if it was only 150 a week. On unemployment you have to look for a job so I did. I found the idea job working from Home. I know for many years I wanted to be able to work from home and then I got it. I can go to work in my PJ if I wanted. When we moved to Kansas City I just had to be off a week to get settled in then back to work. The hours are not that great but I have to look at it like it works that extra money helps us with lunch. So I keep saying I hope Bill starts to make the money I can quit but who knows only time will tell. How scary is that to think you are addicted to work?? no just like the money. tee hee.
Now I have been able to do some creative things not my doll but some, like turning a picture of me into a cartoon. I then put a red hat on  and I am ready to go. 

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