Monday, August 22, 2011

Heck of a few days... or that which makes us stronger

This whole adventure began on Wednesday evening, I noticed that it was a bit warm in the living room but that does happen on a sunny day with the big picture window facing west. But when it came to being bed time I noticed there wasn't any cool air coming from the vent, Bill went downstairs and said it was frozen up so we turned it off. I contacted the Land lady about the a/c, one hot night but around 2:00 the a/c guys and shows up and says... compressor is broken estimate repair tomorrow or the next day. Sooo I decided that's it I am buying a window unit at I can use to at least cool one room. Well now that isn't an easy thing to do either. It seems after July they don't stock a/c so many calls later which by the way is done searching the internet on my phone in the car 'cause it has a/c and the house doesn't. At first I thought Sears but dismissed that thinking they usually are high. So guess where I found a 5,000 btu  Sears for 99.00. So we went to get it and then Bill installed it and we put up blanket to cool the living room. we sit and watch TV in the semi-cool. We settled in for the evening to sleep me on the couch and Bill on the floor lots a fans.  Then we turn off the lights and sleep one hour later a storm comes in AND we lose power.. another night with out a/c and this time no electricity. For those keeping record that is Thursday night at 10:30. Come Friday I spent several hours sitting outside with my battery operated fans. Then I got the dogs in the van and we go for a ride in the a/c to cool off.
At 9:30 I decided I just can't make it another night in the heat so Bill calls his cousin and I go to their apartment. They have a double stack air mattress- which doesn't work well but it is a cool house. Around 2 there is a massive storm which put more people out of power. Then in the morning I head home still no power and I clean up and then we go to his cousin and cook some stuff out of our freezer. Stay the night again then Sunday morning, I call Bill and we now have power. But remember we don't have air conditioner yet but we had electricity. I spent the night at home in the living room on the couch it isn't the most comfortable but it is home. Today at 3:30 the a/c came and finished the install, did I forget to say he did install it but couldn't finish until we got power. So now I set here with the air going and cooling down the house.. GONE A SLEEP in my own bed tonight. I am Happy.

We got test results on Jimmy Four Legs and he has cancer. As a pup I think he was either hit by a car or something was dropped on him. So one day as I was headed to our house I saw a truck leave this dog off in front of our house. So I brought the dog in and we decided to keep him.. Then he had his first seizure which freaked me out. But the Vet put him on medication and we manage the situation and just hold on to him when he has them. Now he has Cancer, we have been lucky to have him with for a few years we are going to wait until he seems that he is in pain then we will lose him. He will go play with Dusty and Sam. It is sad we are going to love and enjoy  him  as long as we can.

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